The "This is fine" comic panel, but with Rigel Black.

Rigel Black Big Bang 2023


Please enjoy the fruits of the Big Bang at the AO3 Collection!


Welcome to the second Rigel Black Big Bang! This is a fanwork event for the Rigel Black Chronicles, a series of HP/Song of the Lioness fics by murkybluematter.Your mods for this event are Rime and Grave!Please check the FAQ, rules, and schedule pages for more info.

frequently asked questions

What is a Big Bang?
A lot of fics and fanart, produced and posted in abundance to flood the fandom with affection!
Fics and fanart of what kind?
Any kind you like! Characters, themes, ships, it’s all up to you. All fics will be at least 7k words long and artists will produce fanart based on the submitted fics.
How do I participate?
Just read the rules and schedule, then sign up using one of the three forms linked on the homepage.
Any special requirements?
As long as you’re dedicated, you should be good, but we will require your handle and your email address, and you will at some point need an AO3 account (let us know if you need an invite!) We will be offering generalized updates and reminders through Tumblr, Twitter, and Discord, and more specific ones via email.
Can I sign up for more than one role?
Yes, sign up for any combination of roles that you want!
Can I back out at any time?
Pretty much, but try not to wait until the last minute to do so. We’d also prefer it if you didn’t disappear on us; just tell us if you no longer want to participate.

For Writers
Is there a maximum/minimum word count for writers?
The minimum is 7000, and there is no maximum. Go wild.
Can I choose the artist who draws for my fic?
No, artist claims are blind. Artists will decide who to draw for based on the provided fic summaries, but you won’t know who’s been assigned your fic until we tell you.
Can I submit a previously published fic?
Nope! Brand new works only. Never before seen & never previously published. (It's okay if you started writing the fic before signups, but it can't have been posted/published anywhere.)
Is NSFW fic allowed?
Yes; just make sure you tag it appropriately when you send in your fic summary. Artists and betas who are minors or who opt out of NSFW works will not be assigned to your fic.

For Artists
How much art will I be expected to contribute?
At least one colored artwork (if black & white, should be at least shaded) per fic! If you want, you can do more. You can also volunteer to draw for more than one fic or serve as a substitute artist for dropouts.
What counts as art?
Digital/traditional drawings, digital/traditional paintings, animations… Just about anything counts, as long as it’s obviously artistic, completely original to you (you’re the one who made it), and obviously based on your assigned writer’s fic.
Speaking of assignments, can I choose the writer I draw for?
No, artist claims are blind. You will decide who to draw for based on the provided fic summaries, but you won’t know who is writing what.
Can I submit previously published artwork?
Nope! Brand new works only. Never before seen, etc.

For Beta Readers
So what’s my part in all this?
Beta readers will be asked to do one or any combination of the following three things: (1) read and review; (2) edit; and (3) provide in-depth feedback and guidance to the writer. But the nature of your contribution is ultimately up to you! If we don’t have something for you to do right away, we will put you on “standby” and hope you will continue to be available for when someone needs you.

If your question isn’t answered here, in the rules, or the schedule, please feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] or contact us on Discord (@graveexcitement and @.rime.)!


- Email will be the primary method of contact; make sure you provide an email that you will check frequently.
- There will be periodic check-ins throughout the creation period. Submit your check-in forms on time; they are how we verify that you are still participating.
- Be respectful of the participants’ works. Kindly appreciate the amount of time and effort they put into it.
- Be respectful of your partner’s (artist or writer) work. Be grateful for their contribution!
- Fics must be at least 7K words long and completed. Sequels and other installments are welcome afterward.
- Chaptered fics are allowed, but you must have finished your fic by your assigned posting date (even if you only post one chapter at a time).
- Crossovers are allowed as long as RBC characters are involved.
- Participants must post their works to AO3; they may also post or link their fic to other platforms if desired.
- Participants must submit their works to the right collection and under the right tags. Our AO3 collection is Rigel Black Big Bang 2023 and our tags on Tumblr and Twitter are #RigelBlackBigBang. The tag on AO3 is Rigel Black Big Bang 2023.
- All works, whether fic or art, must be brand new, never before seen, never previously published.
- Works must not be published anywhere until the assigned posting date.


Signups OpenApril 8th
Signups Close (Writers)May 6th
Signups Close (Artists/Betas)May 13th
Summary SubmissionsMay 13th - 20th
Artist ClaimsMay 21st - 27th
Pair AssignmentsMay 30th
First Check InJune 3rd
Second Check InJuly 8th
Third Check InAugust 19th
Posting Date SelectionAugust 19th
Final SubmissionsSeptember 2nd
Posting AssignmentsSeptember 5th
Posting DatesThroughout September

SpecificsSignups: April 8th - May 6th
Signups will occur via Google Forms. Necessary information will include your handle as well as your email address. Further instructions will be sent to your email as the event progresses. (Artists and betas get an extra week to sign up.)
Summary Submissions: May 13th - 20th
Writers are to send in their fic summaries (including title, warnings, ships, etc.) via Google Forms for the purpose of artist claims. Summaries should be no more than 120 words (excluding tags).
Artist Claims: May 21st - 27th
Artists will be sent the list of fic summaries for perusal and will submit their top three choices via Google forms. Claims will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.
Pair-Up Assignments: May 30th
Artists will be notified of their assignments. It will be up to the artists to establish contact with their writing partners. If difficulties occur at any point, please contact us.
Beta readers will be assigned randomly upon writer request. Naturally, writers are not required to accept only assigned beta readers; anyone may beta-read the work so long as the content is not released for public consumption before the event concludes.First Check-In: June 3rd
Second Check-In: July 8th
Third Check-In: August 19th
During each check-in, participants will complete a check-in form to verify that they are still participating and give an approximate update on their progress.
It's fine if you haven't completed as much as you've hoped by a given check-in. We're not judging you, just trying to verify you're still participating and provide some accountability.Final Submissions: September 2nd
Writers will submit their rough drafts via email as well as the accompanying artwork from their artists.
If the draft is not complete or mostly complete by this point, we will discuss with the writer/artist about their progress. Accommodations will be made on a case-by-case basis, but keep in mind that if the work is not completed by their assigned posting date, we reserve the right to exclude participants’ incomplete works from the event.This is the last chance for writers to request beta readers.Posting Assignments: September 5th
We will assign dates during the month of September for participants to post their works.
Posting: Throughout September
Writers and artists will submit their works to AO3 (and other platforms, if they so desire.)
Note regarding posting chapter-by-chapter:
It's up to the creators whether to post the entire fic at once, or chapter by chapter. If you go chapter by chapter, the requirements for this are:
1) you publish your first chapter on your assigned posting date,
2) you publish your final chapter by September 30th.
Anything in-between is at your discretion.